
Tuesday 7 January 2014

Blizzards, black-outs and deep freezes, oh my!

So, I pulled a brave move this morning!
I went to school!
Yeah, normally, it is quite impressive for me to get out of bed at all, but to do it at six am (hi, I'm Sabbie and I'm a morning-hater) and on a freezing day like this…it's formidable :)

While so many school boards were shutting buses down and smarter people were sleeping in, here's what the road looked like on my way to school:

Ok, so it doesn't look so bad in these pictures, but trust me, we were all going 50 km/h under the limit, my car slipped around like a sleigh and I was driving while wrapped up in two blankets (also sleigh-like)!

Oh, but the world looked so beautiful though. The pictures above were taken hastily (and haphazardly) through my splattered windows but trust me, it was gorgeous. I couldn't muster up the courage needed to be the jerk that pulls over in this kind of weather but I really did want to take pictures of all the gorgeous red barns and snow covered farms that I passed as the sun rose but…oh well.

The world also looked so, so different this morning! A combination of dawn and snow made me think I had somehow made a wrong turn and ended up elsewhere! Okay, look at the last picture, above. In the distance, you see that wall of clouds? I had never seen that before! I thought I'd been transported to North Carolina or B.C. or something, because I never realized there were all those trees there, every single day! Only when the clouds had caught themselves in the tree-line this morning, did I notice them!

Here's to noticing and enjoying the little weird stuff everyday,

P.S. Yes, I said I despise mornings but I was super glad to wake up today (glad enough to do a jig!) because I had some blogging to look forward to! And I might as well work my way to being more of an early riser since I'll be making this same early commute 3/wk for the next semester! To help, I am loving Supal Desai's Five Essentials: Beat the Morning Blues 

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